Membership: The society has the following categories of members.
Full Members
All medical practitioners who:
- Hold national or international postgraduate qualifications accredited by PMDC (FCPS, MCPS, DMRD, FRCR, DABR or equivalent).
- Are practicing in and are residents of Pakistan.
- Have shown competency in IR i.e Have acquired post radiology fellowship training and certification in the subspecialty from a recognized structured training program (evidence required), or Have not acquired any recognized fellowship certification, yet in practice of subspecialty for more than 5 years and can produce two references from the certified fellows.
- Are full members of RSP.
- Membership fee will be Rs2000/ per annum.
- All full members can apply for life members and will have the voting rights and can hold the office. -
Life Members
Anyone who is:
- Eligible to be "Full Members" who pays membership fees of Rs. 20,000/- will be admitted by the council to life membership. -
Corresponding Member
Consists of those:
- Who fulfil the conditions for membership as defined in "Full Members" they are practicing interventional radiologists outside Pakistan who will not have voting rights or hold office. However, they can participate in general body meeting.
- Fee for corresponding member will be Rs. 2000/- per annum Interventional. -
Corresponding Full Member
Consists of those:
- Corresponding Members who are of Pakistani origin and want to apply for "Full Membership" so as to have voting rights in IRSP elections. However, these members cannot hold electable office.
- Fee for corresponding member will be Rs. 20, 000/- -
Associate Member
Consists of those who are:
- Medical students, nurses, radiographer and physicians and surgeons other than the field of radiology can be associate members. They shall be entitled to attend meetings, symposia, and lectures but not entitled to vote. They must submit letter of recommendation from the full members of IRSP. Annual subscription is Rs. 1000/-